

Suntimes does not collect, store, or transmit personal user data. It contains no advertising, no analytics, no trackers, and no unnecessary permissions.

The app is configured using location data. This information (and other configuration data used by the app) is stored locally and does not leave the device.


The app uses the following permissions..

Permission Since Version
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION To get current location. v0.1.0
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION To get current location (GPS). v0.1.0
ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY To enable do-not-disturb at bedtime. v0.16.0
BOOT_COMPLETED To restore active alarms after reboot. v0.11.0
FOREGROUND_SERVICE To display alarms and notifications. v0.16.0
POWER_OFF_ALARM To wake the device from the power off state. v0.14.0
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE To play alarm sounds located on the SD card. v0.11.5, v0.13.8 (api<=18)
REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS To help ensure reliable delivery of alarms. v0.14.11
SET_ALARM To interact with the system Alarm Clock app. v0.1.0
USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT To display alarms over the lock screen. v0.16.0
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE To export data (places, themes, etc) to file. v0.2.2 (api<=18)

The app declares the suntimes.permission.READ_CALCULATOR permission and uses it to secure add-ons. The app uses this permission itself (since v0.13.2), and requires that add-ons request this permission during installation.

Version v0.13.8 removed the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for apiā‰„19 (replaced with URI permissions).

Versions 0.9.* of the app contained the following permissions (removed in v0.10.0):

Permission Version
READ_CALENDAR To interact with the Calendar app (access events). v0.9.0
WRITE_CALENDAR To interact with the Calendar app (add/remove events). v0.9.0
READ_SYNC_STATS To interact with the Calendar app (access custom calendars). v0.9.0
WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS To interact with the Calendar app (add/remove custom calendars). v0.9.0

Last Modified: 2024-07-11