
Suntimes -> Settings to change application settings.


Suntimes -> Settings -> General to change general settings.


Suntimes -> Settings -> Alarms to change alarm settings.


Suntimes -> Settings -> Language to change language settings.


Suntimes -> Settings -> Places to change place settings.

User Interface

Suntimes -> Settings -> User Interface to change user interface settings.


Suntimes -> Settings -> Widgets to reconfigure widgets, or configure widget themes, or widget actions.

Subsections of Settings


Suntimes -> Settings -> General to change general settings.

Welcome Screen

Starts the first launch configuration wizard. This guided configuration is also shown the first time the app is launched.

Time Format

  • System format (default)
  • 12-hour
  • 24-hour

Units of Length

  • Metric (kilometers, meters)
  • Imperial (miles, feet)

The default value will depend on your specific locale.

Localize to Hemisphere

Apply hemisphere based localization. This setting will swap labels and icons (seasons, moon phases, etc) when configured to locations in the southern hemisphere.

Show Seconds

Include seconds when displaying twilight times. Do not expect precision better than minutes. This option is disabled by default.

Use Elevation

Apply altitude based refinements when calculating data (times may differ up to 10 minutes).

Data Source

Select the data source for sun or moon based calculations (Advanced). The default is time4j-4a.


Suntimes -> Settings -> Language to change language settings.


  • System to use the system locale (default).
  • User Defined to override the system locale.

It is recommended to change System settings instead of overriding the locale. In some cases User Defined may fail to work as expected (partial translation).


Suntimes has been translated into the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Basque
  • Catalan
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • Esperanto
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish
  • Traditional Chinese

All translations are volunteer contributions! On occasion a translation may be incomplete or may contain minor errors. See the contribution guidelines if you would like to help update or improve a translation.

User Interface

Suntimes -> Settings -> User Interface to change user interface settings.


  • Light always shows light theme.
  • Dark always shows dark dark.
  • System default follows the system theme, and will automatically switch between light and dark themes.
Light Theme
  • Default (Light)
  • High Contrast (Light)

Default (light) Default (light) Contrast (light) Contrast (light)

Dark Theme
  • Default (Dark)
  • High Contrast (Dark)

Default (dark) Default (dark) Contrast (dark) Contrast (dark)

Text Size

  • Small (12)
  • Normal (14)
  • Large (16)
  • Extra Large (18)

The text size setting also respects the system settings.

Adjust system text size first, then override the size in Suntimes for readability if necessary.

Small text Small text Large text Large text

Display (Default Events)

Tap options to toggle the visibility of default fields on the main screen.

  • Astronomical Twilight
  • Nautical Twilight
  • Blue Hour
  • Civil Twilight
  • Actual Time (sunrise, sunset)
  • Solar Noon
  • Golden Hour
Emphasize Field

The emphasized field is displayed with increased text size (defaults to actual time).

Display (Custom Events)

Tap Manage Events to add or remove custom events.

Display (Other)


  • Header Icon. Show column header icons.
  • Header Text. Show column header text. [None, Labels, Azimuth]
  • Light Map. Show a stacked bar chart of day, night, and twilight periods.


  • Moon. Show moon rise and set times, phase, and illumination.
  • Lunar Noon. Show lunar noon and lunar midnight as part of the moon dialog.

Solstice / Equinox

  • Solstice / Equinox. Show time until next solstice or equinox.
  • Cross-Quarter Days. Include midpoints between solstices and equinoxes.
  • Solstice Tracking. Track the [Recent, Nearest, Upcoming] event.

Object Shadow. Display the length of a shadow cast by an object with a given height (defaults to 1.83 meters).


  • Show Map Button. Show an action bar button that opens the default map app.
  • Show Data Source. Show a label indicating the current configuration.
  • Show Warnings. Show configuration warning messages.
  • Verbose TalkBack. Announce automated changes to the UI.

More options:

  • Show Weeks. Divide time spans greater than 7 days into weeks (e.g. 15d becomes 2w 1d).
  • Show Hours. Include hours and minutes in time spans greater than a day.
  • Show Time (with dates). Include the time when displaying dates.

Tap Actions

The main screen can be customized to perform specific actions when parts of the UI are tapped.

The default tap actions are:

  • On Clock Tap, show next upcoming event.
  • On Date Tap, swap cards (today/tomorrow).
  • On Date Long Press, open the calendar.
  • On Note Tap, show the next note.

Tap on each setting to pick from suggested actions, or tap the icon to select from all actions.