
Suntimes -> Settings -> General to change general settings.

Welcome Screen

Starts the first launch configuration wizard. This guided configuration is also shown the first time the app is launched.

Time Format

  • System format (default)
  • 12-hour
  • 24-hour

Units of Length

  • Metric (kilometers, meters)
  • Imperial (miles, feet)

The default value will depend on your specific locale.

Localize to Hemisphere

Apply hemisphere based localization. This setting will swap labels and icons (seasons, moon phases, etc) when configured to locations in the southern hemisphere.

Show Seconds

Include seconds when displaying twilight times. Do not expect precision better than minutes. This option is disabled by default.

Use Elevation

Apply altitude based refinements when calculating data (times may differ up to 10 minutes).

Data Source

Select the data source for sun or moon based calculations (Advanced). The default is time4j-4a.