Place Settings

Suntimes can query the device’s current location using the GPS or Network providers.

To configure this behavior, use Suntimes -> Settings -> Places to access the place settings.

Location Settings Location Settings


Getting the current location requires location permissions. When prompted, grant permissions and enable device location.

Location time limit

When requesting the current location, Suntimes will actively wait for a location update until the time limit expires.

The default location time limit is 1 minute.


Location requests may time out if GPS or Network location providers are unavailable (and the current location is older than the max age).

Location recent max age

When requesting the current location, Suntimes will trigger a location update if the current location is older than the max age.

The default location max age is 5 minutes.

Passive Location

Suntimes can use the passive location provider to determine the device’s location. A separate app is required to make active update requests.