
Suntimes can perform user-defined actions when a widget is clicked, or when an alarm or notification is shown or dismissed.

widget action widget action alarm action alarm action

Subsections of Actions

Add Actions

To add an action… create an Intent by declaring:

Intent (leave fields empty for an implicit intent)
Action An action string. e.g. android.intent.action.ACTION_VIEW
Class A fully qualified class name (case-sensitive). This must be a complete definition that includes both the package and class name.
The class is required for explicit intents - leave it blank to allow the system to decide which class to launch.
Data A URI that contains or points to attached data. e.g. geo:30,31. Limited %substitutions are supported. e.g. geo:%lat,%lon
Mime The mime type of attached data (if applicable). Leave blank for most types of data.
Extras An & delimited string containing key-value pairs. Values may be Strings, int, long, double, float, or boolean. Limited %substitutions are supported.
e.g. key1="some string" & key2=1 & key3=1L & key4=1D & key5=1F & key6=true & key7=%dm

An app that displays package info is useful for discovering Activities, which can then be launched with an explicit intent.